PvBibleAlive.com Parkview Baptist Church 3430 South Meridian Wichita, Kansas 67217
(The quality of this text is deficient compared to other texts. I simply copied a transcription of the sermon straight from speech to text.)
I wanna welcome you back to pv Bible
Alive. This is Bruce Hays, your host, and I am the pastor of Park View
Baptist Church in Wichita Kansas. This is a ministry of Parkview Baptist Church,
along with our website, PV Bible aLive dot com. So if you wanna see. Further
pod cast that we've put up on the website, then you can go there and look
under pod cast on the homepage there, and discover other Bible studies
that we've done. Today we are finishing up the second part of a two, part
series around the Christmas story. And the message is Christmas,
according to Matthew, mark, luke and John. I began the last sermon by
quoting from all four of the Gospels, the first verses of those four Gospels
just to give you. A flavor and indication of how the gospels are different.
Matthew, chapter One, versus One through two, says the book of the
genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David the Son of Abraham. Abraham
began became the father of Isaac. Isaac became the father of Jacob.
Jacob became the father of Judah and his brothers. So Matthew starts
with the genealogy. mark, on the other hand, begins in versus one through
two, by saying, the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. As it is written in the Prophets, behold, I send my messenger before
your face, will prepare your way before you. Mark begins with the ministry
of John the Baptist, the announcer of the coming Christ. Luke, on the other
hand begins. In Chapter One versus one through three, by saying, since
many have undertaken to set an order, a narrative concerning those
matters which have been fulfilled among you. Among us, even as those
who, from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word,
delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having traced the course
of all things accurately, from the first. To write to you in order most
excellent Theophilus. We're gonna discuss Luke and the fact that he
presents Jesus in an historic account of his life. John begins by saying, in
Chapter One, versus one through three, in the beginning was the word, the
word was with God, and the word was God, the same was in the beginning
with God. All things are made through him, and without him nothing was
made that has been made. You kind of get an indication of the differences
between those four Gospels just by reading those first verses. And we've
mentioned that there are four accounts of Jesus life given in the Scripture.
And discussed shortly last time, the question why these four. There could
have been any number of other accounts of Jesus life, and some people
have reasoned and said Well. The Gospel of Matthew is written to reach
the Jewish people, portray Jesus as the King of the Jews, and, we,
discussed, that, Mark was written to the Greeks or the Gentiles, luke to the
Romans, and John to the world. And there is some truth to that
understanding of the purpose behind the Gospels, that each of them has,
a, different, target, audience, But I believe the reason for the four Gospels
has more to do with who they are written about. Rather than who they are
written to? You see, each gospel is a portrait of Christ, each tells us
something different and essential. To our understanding of him, in order
for us to have a complete understanding who Jesus is, we need to
consider, all, for, the, gospels, and, How they present him. So in today's
message, we're going to look at the last two of those Gospels. We look at
the first two and the previous message, so if you want to see that message
or hear that message, you can go to pVbibleAlive dot com and look under
Christmas According to Matthew, mark, luke and John, Part one.
So we're gonna look at Luke and John, and with each, we're gonna answer
the same two questions that we ask regarding Matthew and. Mark, number
one, how is this gospel different from the others? And number two, what
does that tell us about the Christmas story. Well, as we start with Luke, I
wanted to share with you something interesting that discovered in my
research. It seems that historically, and I told you this last time, each of the
Gospels has been associated with an animal. A lion, an ox, a man and an
eagle. Now, this idea dates back to the earliest of the Church Fathers. Now
you may say, well, you know, why did they do that, and, and where did they
get these four animals Well, the four animals come from Ezekial, chapter
One versus nine to eleven. You might remember that Ezekial was given
a vision of heaven, and that when he was in heaven, he saw for angelic
beings there. And it says that they, they had different likenesses of their
faces, the face of a man, the face of a lion. The face of an ox. The face of
an eagle. And so from the earliest times the Church, different people have
looked at the Gospels and said Well Matthew is the. Gospel of, as I said,
the the lion Jesus is the lion of the Tribe of Judah. John is the Gospel of the
eagle because the eagle flies far above the earth and John portray. Is
Jesus as God in flesh, high above us. Well, i'm gonna use that symbolism
as a way to help you understand these portraits of Christ and the Gospels.
Um again, this is not Scripture. The, these portraits, the
animals are, are not Scripture outside of. The description of Jesus is The
lion of the Tribe of Judah, none the others. Jesus is not called an eagle anywhere
or an ox. he is called a man, so that one scriptural, but I'm gonna use
that symbolism today to talk about. These four portraits of Christ in the
Gospels And this is how I'm going to use them. And I already
mentioned in Matthew, jesus is the lion of the Tribe of Judah the promised
King of the Jews. In Mark, jesus is the suffering and sacrificed servant like
an ox and look. Jesus is called the Son of Adam, or Son of Man. His human
life is narrated as grounded in human history, so he is associated with man,
and in John, jesus nature is described as having descended from heaven.
Like the eagle. So that's what we're gonna do, by the way, before we begin
with Matthew, if you should happen to look this tradition up. And do a
search for online, you'll find that the pairing of the animals with each
Gospel writer. Is different than what I have done with them I. Switched the
man, the lion and the ox, the only one that I kept the same as is traditional.
In regard to the Gospel writers and Church history, is the Eagle and John.
You say, well, can you do that so I can why. Because this is tradition, not
Scripture. Say Well why did you switch them Well, I switch them because I
think they got it wrong. The preacher said arrogantly. Matthew, on the one
hand, is paired with a man or an angel traditionally. I don't see how you can
not pair Matthew with the lion, because he's portrayed as the lion of the
Tribe of Judah. Is described as descended from the line of Judah, the line
of David the King. How you cannot pair Matthew with a lion in, in my
humble opinion, entirely misses the symbolism that is obvious in scripture.
John, of course, is the eagle. But after they paired Matthew with the man,
that kind of left the ox and the lion to be paired with Mark and Luke and.
And it was kind of arbitrary after that um the lion was paired with mark and
they said, well, it's paired with mark because. The the lion is the king of the
beast, and Jesus is descended from royal dignity, and John the Baptist
started out the Gospel by crying in the wilderness like a lion's Roar. I'm
fine. That doesn't make any sense. Um, of all the Gospels, I don't see how
you say that Mark portrayed Jesus with royal dignity. As opposed to
Matthew or even John portraying him as God, that's royal dignity So how
you. Take a lion and and pair with Mark over the others, I think is is just
random. And then they paired Luke with the ox. Because the the ox is a
sacrificial animal and Jesus died and so um. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice.
Again, no how you ignore the fact that Luke describes Jesus as the Son of
Man, the Son of Adam. And so Jesus should be portrayed or, or is
portrayed as a man in Luke um. Is again, beyond my understanding,
because everyone of the Gospels portrays Jesus as a sacrificial lamb. John
gospel begins by Jesus, or John the Baptist, saying to Jesus, too, to his
disciples, behold the Lamb of God who takes medicine in the world. So if
you're gonna talk about a sacrificial animal. You could say that was John as
well. Anyway, it just felt random to me. Again, I-I would SAY well it seems
kind of arrogant on my part to contradict the early church fathers sermons.
But once more, that's what they were, they were sermons, and this is just
symbolism, and I'm using it today and in the previous sermon. For one
express purpose, I think it's important that you understand the portraits of
Jesus in Matthew Mark Luke and John. And if it's helpful for you to relate
an animal to each of those four Gospels, and that helps you remember,
then I think we all come out and. And plus column. So today we're gonna
pick up with Luke and John. Now, just to give you a summary of of how
Luke is described in his portrayal of Jesus I found. A reference at G-T-Y
dot org that that says this about luke luke the gospel Was Addressed to a
broader gentile AUDIENCE. As an educated Greek, luke wrote using the
most sophisticated literary Greek of any New Testament writer. He was a
careful researcher. And an accurate historian, luke portrays Jesus as the
Son of Man, a title appearing 26 times. The answer to the needs and hopes
of the human race, who came to seek and save loss sinners. A lot wrapped
up in that summary, but a couple things that I wanted to draw out. And the
main thing is, when we ask the question, how is Luke different than the
other Gospels. Would say Matthew portrayed Jesus as the promised king
of the Jews. Mark as the suffering servant if you're gonna give Jesus title.
From the Gospel of Luke, it would be the compassionate Son of Man, the
compassionate Son of Man. That is, he described Jesus as a human being,
a man. Now. The quote I just read you a moment ago was that Luke wrote
using the most sophisticated literary Greek of any new testament writer He was a
careful. Researcher and luke make Jesus a man. Luke portrays uses as a
man, and he does so in a couple of ways. The first way that he does so is
by placing Jesus. In history, you cannot help but read the Gospel of Luke.
And seeing. That Jesus was an historic figure. It was not a myth. This
wasn't something that the early Church or the disciples made up. There are
people today that, generally people that are ignorant of history, and I mean
that, not that they are. And as an insult, but they just don't know history to
doubt that Jesus ever existed. Well, there is no way that you can look at
history and and not understand that Jesus was a real man, now whether or
not you're going to believe. That he did, all the things that he, it was said
about him, you can't come away. And not understand, either from reading
Gospels or the rest of history, that Jesus was real. Jesus was a real man. I.
And that's what Luke does. Luke places Jesus in history, he was a real
man, his life is not mythology. Now, the second way that look. Portray
Jesus as the man. Is he calls him the Son of Man, the Son of Man. He gives
them a title, and so Luke is really emphasizing that manhood part, so that's
why he's. Paired with a man in the study that that I'm doing here now, the
first thing that we want to consider is the. Historic part how Luke placed
Jesus in history. Is he look is different than the other Gospel writers? He is
a researcher. Matthew is essentially, he takes the Old Testament
prophecies, and he's trying to tie Jesus to to Jewish prophecy regarding
the Messiah. Mark is just trying to give you an action narrative of things
that happened and and the power of Jesus. John's trying to portray Jesus
has descended from heaven. And his nature is that he is God. Look, on the
other hand, wants you to to understand exactly when this took place. And
so he places it meticulously in history, and you get that sense when you
read the first. Four verses of the Gospel. We read a moment ago, but, but
listen to these just for a second and consider um. How much of an intellect
Luke was. He begins to Gospel by saying, since many have undertaken to
set an order, a narrative concerning those matters which have been
fulfilled among us. Even as those who, from the beginning were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word, delivered them to us, it seemed
good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the
first. To write to you in order, most excellent theopolists, that you might
know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed.
That's all one sentence, by the way. What he's essentially saying is he
researched this. He sat down with the eyewitnesses and made sure he got
all the details correct, and so he's conveying to us that Jesus is a real
human being not some myth. He's an accurate historian and, and you even
get a better sense of that by going on to the very next verse in Chapter
One. It says there, there was, in the days of Herod, the King of Judea, a
certain priest named Zacharius. Of the priestly division of a byja, and then
now, in those days, a decree. This is in chapter Two. Went out from Caesar
Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This is the first enrollment
made when Quaranus was governor. Assyria. Now, just in those two short
verses. We have look pen pointing the life of Jesus Christ. With the lives of
three historic figures, i'm sorry for historic figures. Number one, he says
Jesus was born in the days of Herod, the King of Judea. Jesus was born in
the days of Zacharius. Who was a priest of Israel and was in the priestly
division of Abijam. Jesus was born during the decree made by Caesar
Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. And that Quiranus was a
governor of Syria at that time, four historic pinpoints that help us really.
Date the birth of Christ, you know, if it weren't for looks Gospel. We would
have a far less precise date regarding the birth of Jesus Christ, but
because he laid it out exactly who was in control, who was ruling in these
different areas. At the time of Jesus birth, we have a very pretty solid
understanding of when Jesus was born the time period. That was taking
place Herod, caesar, augustus, queranus, and Zacharius. So let's take
those one at a time. First off, we got Herod. Jesus was born during the
reign of Herod. We know that Herod. Started raining in the area of Judea.
Um, after he overthrew the Hesmonian, antigonus in a three year long war.
Between 37 and 34 BC. And he ruled with the permission, the authority of
Rome until his death in four BC. Now we also know that the story of Jesus
tells us that. The reason that Mary and Joseph fled with, with the baby
Jesus to Egypt was because Herod. Wanted to kill him. Viewed him as a
threat to his throne, and that once they were in Egypt, they were there for a
time and then shortly after that. They heard the hair was dead. And so they
could then return to Israel. So we obviously know that they had to be in
Egypt. And at around for BC. And therefore we can date the birth of Jesus
to be around for BC. Some time before that, Now let's get a little bit more
specific, because Luke also tells us that during the reign of season
Augustus. There was a, um, law passed that everyone was to participate in
a census. So we know, e.g. that Caesar Augustus started his reign in 27
BC. And that almost immediately, he passed a law mandating a census. For
every 14 years, to take place, just like here in the United States, we have a
census every ten years, there wasn't just one census. Caesar said, we're
gonna do a census every 14 years So Caesar Augustus rain from 27 BC to
14 AD. Since the census was the thing that brought Marian Joseph to
Bethlehem, we have another means of dating. Jesus birth. So Mary was
pregnant with Jesus when they left Nazareth to go to Bethlehem to
participate in the senses. There's a third person mentioning the Aquarius.
Um, he is officially called Publius sub will see us I'm getting that wrong
quite Rainius. And he was governor, and that's a generic term, by the way,
it doesn't, it wasn't an official Roman title, and that he was governor over
Syria at the time. When the census was mandated. And we also know that
Zacharias. Was a priest in the order of a by job. At the time of Jesus birth,
we'll get back to him in a second, but all of these help us narrow down the
time when Jesus was born. Now, for a long time. Um, there was a lot of
doubt cast on Luke, not only on Luke but entire Bible. Seems as though
those who. We're choosing not to believe Scripture, we're always trying to
determine some way of casting doubt on its truth. And what happened with
the story of Jesus birth was the same as it had always happened. They
looked at the account of Luke. And said, Well, look, got it all wrong. He, he
says that Quaranus was governor. And that during that census, that was
the time that Jesus was born. Now, I for a long time, through, through a
history of historic studies. There was a famous census that took place in
86. And it was famous as associated with Quiranus. Queranus was known
for having participated in in the, in facilitating that senses. But he was also
famous in that he quelled a rebellion afterward, because the Jewish people
didn't want to participate in a senses, so he had to deal with the rebellion.
After it was over, And so what historians said for, for many years was, well,
look, luke got this wrong because obviously if the census that quite rain is.
Oversaw was in A-D six. And if Harry died in four, bc we're talking about
ten years difference, there's no way that Jesus could have been born.
During the reign of Herod, who we know died in four BC and also born
during the census, which we know took place. In A-B six. Well, Amazingly,
even after doubt was cast on Luke for so many years there was. A
fragment of stone discovered and tibly roam. This fragment of stone was
discovered in 1764. And it was a stone that had an inscription on it in honor
of a Roman official. And it states on that fragment that this Roman official.
Was the governor of Syria and Phonesia twice. During the reign of
Augustus, let me say that again, he was governor twice. So now this starts
to make a little sense, there was somebody who was the governor two
times. Well, If you look at what that stone says. And you look at the
account of the life of Quiranus. The details, but associate aquiring is match
up perfectly. With the details of this person that was supposed to have
been a ruler, twice a governor, twice under the rule of justice. And so we
can obviously state that not only was quite rain as governor. In 86, but that
he was governor before that time, at some point as well. Now that's great.
Why is that great? Because in 1764, what the Bible has to say was.
Validated. What Luke had to say was validated. And the fact that Luke is an
historian par excellence. Is validated as well. So right now we have Herod,
we have Caesar Augustus, we have Quaranus, and they're all coming
together. And they followed through with a census that was to be taken
every 14 years. Now, there have been some issues in regard to that
senses. If you take Caesar Augustus, the time that he began ruling in 27.
BC, and then you go 14 years out from there to what would have been the
second senses. Then you end up the. The time periods do not match up
um. If Jesus, jesus had to have been born, couldn't have been born any
earlier than six BC. And probably even four bc is better, well, how do you
end up with a solution for that. Well, most postulate that Augustus Caesar
proclaimed the census. Was to take place, and that his proclamation took
place in ABC, that tie, that ties in with the timetable that we have. For when
the census, those census took place, but that the region of Judea didn't go
along with it They didn't. Cooperate for two to four years. It was actually,
the census was carried out two to four years after the decree came out.
But what that does is tells us that Luke has grounded the birth of Jesus
Christ. In some very historic events. You can also look at, e.g. the life of
Zacharias. He also tells us the Zacharias was of the priestly division of a by
job. He said, well, what's a priestly division of a by Joe. Well, there were 24
divisions, or you could say groups of those who were priest in Israel, the
whole tribe of Levi. Were the priest of Israel, so what they did is, because
the Temple was in Jerusalem, and the Temple had to be continually
serviced year round just like any building. And because they had certain
sacrifices and ceremonies and things that they had to do um. The temple
had to be serviced and and and its ministry had to be done. So they
divided up the priest, the entire trip, levi, into 24 divisions. 24 divisions, and
then they set a schedule. Every week a different division was to be at the
temple taking care of the business. It need to be taken care of. Now, there
were also times during the year when there was a feast, um or a festival.
That every priest had to be at where they had all be in attendance, so a
priest would serve more than just one week during the year. But they
scheduled the remaining weeks of the year based on those 24 divisions.
The priest would serve in the temple one week. And then they would go
back home and just live out and do their regular occupation. Well so when
did the division of a by just serve because that's what it says that
Zacharise was. He was at the division of a byja. Because if we can
determine when Zacharias served in the Temple, then we can reasonably
determine the date of, john, the, baptist, birth, And since Jesus was
conceived six months after John, we can determine the time of his birth.
Well, if the Badger was the first division, and many believe it was, the,
zacharius would have served at, the, temple, in, late, may, If Elizabeth
conceived very shortly after that, in other words, zacharas goes into the
temple, the angel says to Zacharias, you're going to have a son. Elizabeth
is gonna give you a Son. After his week is over serving the Temple, he goes
home immediately Elizabeth conceives then. The conception would have
taken? Place. In? Early. June, We know that Jesus conception was six
months after John the Baptistconception because it tells us that. In? The.
Gospel, of Luke? So that means Jesus conception would have been in
December, which means Jesus would have been. Born, in? September.
Now, I think that's remarkable. Now let me tell you this, there are a lot of ifs
in all of that. We don't know for sure that the division of a bija served first.
We don't know for sure. That Zacharius immediately went home, and
Elizabeth immediately conceived. We don't know, we don't know a lot of
those things, it's, it's a big gift. But what is remarkable to me is that Luke.
Work so diligently to make sure you understand Jesus wasn't born in some
mythological setting. But talking animals or dragons, jesus wasn't born out
of the thigh of a god or, or, or any of the other things that are portrayed in.
And many of the myths of Greece or Rome, or the Norse myths, any of
those things Jesus was born. At a very distinct time in history, a time that
we can pinpoint, he was born while here the great rained. He was born
while Caesar Augustus reigned, and when Caesar Augustus had instituted
a census that took place every 14 years. He was born while quite Rainius
was a governor in Syria, and he was born after. The division of a Baja when
Zacharius would have served in the temple and. So that you can literally
layout down to a very precise time. A conceivable, arguable time for Jesus
birthday. Now, I don't think it matters whether Jesus was born in
September or December, I don't think that's important. But the? Thing.
That, is important. Is, that? Luke. Is showing us that Jesus was a real man.
He was really born in history as a baby. And it is verifiable by this account
and the other accounts and the other Gospels. Now, the second way in
which Luke portrays Jesus as a man, again, remember we're using, those,
symbols, the, The lion, the ox, the man and the eagle. The second way
Jesus portrayed as a man is throughout the Gospel of Luke Jesus is called.
The Son of Man. Son of Man, now that term just means. A man. It's used in
the Old Testament talking about profits, at different times, it's just, it's just
a designation saying that somebody is a human being, you're a son of man,
you're a human being. And so when it says Jesus is the Son of Man that's
the first thing that it means. He's just, a, human, being, really, 20, 29 times
in the the Gospel, look, jesus called the Son of Man and here are just some
of the times just give you a. An understanding of that loop, chapter five or
24, it says, jesus actually said, but that you may know that the Son of Man
has authority on Earth to forgive sins. He said to the paralyzed man, I tell
you a rise, take, if you're caught, go to your house. Then it goes on to say,
luke 09:22 The center man must suffer many things, and be rejected by
the elders, chief priests, and cries, and be killed the third day raised Again.
Look, 09:56, for the son of Man didn't come to destroy men's lives but to
save them. So basically that title means two things. Number one, it just
means he's a human being. If you look at Luke's genealogy of Jesus,
matthew has a genealogy Jesus, it tastes traces Jesus, back, to, king,
david, So it tells you that Jesus was in the line of the kings, but it also
traces his lineage back to Abraham, telling you that Jesus was Jew. Look,
on the other hand, traces Jesus genealogy clear back to? Adam, The first
man, if you read Luke Chapter three, the genealogy is there, but, verse 38,
The last part of it says, the son of Nus, the son of Seth, the son of Adam,
the, son, of, god, So, look, very expressly, want you to know that Jesus
was a man, he was born of a woman, he, is, a, man, Now, but there's a
second meaning behind the, the term, the title, the Son of Man. It doesn't
just mean a man, the title was used in the Book of Daniel and a prophecy
about somebody that was gonna come let me read that to you. Daniel
Chapter seven versus 1314 I saw the night visions, and behold there came
with the clouds of the sky, one, like, a, son, of, man, And he came even to
the ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Dominion was
given him and glory in a kingdom that all the people's nations and
languages, should, serve him. His dominion is everlasting dominion, which
will not pass away. In his kingdom, one which will, not, be, destroyed, So in
Daniel there's a prophecy about the coming messiah, and he is called a
Son of Man. So when Jesus goes around referring to himself as the Son of,
man. He's directly tying himself to that prophecy, the one that would have
an everlasting dominion, which, would, not, pass, away, Um so those two
things there are what the the terms that of? Man, means? So here's our
second question. The first question is, um, how is Luke different than, the,
other, gospels, The second is, what does this tell us about the Christmas
story. Well, when we consider that Jesus was the Son of Man. What that
tells us about the Christmas story is that Jesus came to seek and to save
sinners. He came to be one of us. He identified with us. He is called a man
of sorrows, well acquainted, with, grief, He's called one whom all point. He
was, in all points, tempted as we are. And I think it's no coincidence that
Luke's Christmas account captures the emotions of the people who,
participated, in, its, drama, Matthews account is kind of matter of fact, this
happened and this happened in that, but, look, you have a lot of, people, in,
in, extreme, fear, And a lot of people in extreme joy look that very first
place where. The angel appeared to Zacharius, e.g. says an angel of the
Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar and Zachary
was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell on him, And the angel said,
don't be afraid, zacharius, your request has been heard, and Elizabeth is
gonna have a son. Same thing when the angel appeared to marry Angel
Gabriel. It says that when she. Heard the greeting of the angel Rejoice,
highly favored one that She was greatly troubled, and considered what
kind of salutation it might be, and the angel said, don't be afraid, for? You,
found. Favor with God a lot of emotion. Mary, after she gets this
announcement, goes to, into the hill country to visit Elizabeth, and it says,
as soon as she greeted Elizabeth. Um, the baby in Elizabeth room left. And
she was filled with Holy Spirit, she said, blessed you among women,
blessed the fruit of your womb, for behold, when the voice of your greeting
came into my ears, the baby leapt in my room for joy. Lot of fearfulness
and joy. Lot of emotion. We get to the story the shepherd, the shepherds
were in the field, the angels appeared to them, and it, says, they, were,
terrified, And the angel said, don't be afraid. I'm bringing you good news, a
great joy, which will be all people today in the City of David is born a Savior
with Christ, the Lord. And then it says, the angels were singing, glory to
God the highest on Earth, peace, goodwill toward men, and, so, these,
Shepherds said, let's go to Bethlehem. And they went and they saw the
baby and it says, after they saw the baby, they publicized widely the saying
which was spoken to them. And all that heard them wonder the things who
were spoken by the shepherds, you can, you, can, feel, The fear you can
feel, the joy in these accounts, They it, it's just a lot of pay, thoughts I
guess you could describe it here. And so John is this gospel the portrays
Jesus? As. The man that's come among us, he's come to bring, us, joy,
And that's what fits into this Christmas story, John, on the other hand, we
get to the second gospel that we consider this, this, afternoon, John. Was.
The last gospel writer. And the summary of his Gospel from G-T-Y dot org
says the last gospel written emphasizes the deity of jesus christ. That
means Jesus is God John wrote, to strengthen the faith of believers, and to
appeal to unbelievers to come to faith in Christ. And so we ask the same
questions that we've asked before, how is the Gospel of John different,
than, the, other, gospels, And how does that relate to the Christmas story?
So how was John different than the other Gospels. Well, if you were to give
Jesus title, according to his portrayal and the Book of John you could call
him. The Son of God, god the Son, the Son of God, god the Son, first of,
he's the Son of God. As go back to that idea of the eagle, the eagle is a
majestic animal. Flies far above the earth, somewhat mysterious, descends
down from the heights, all of those things. Our portrayal of how Jesus is
shown in the Gospel John. So first off, jesus is the Son of God, that's the
title that's used frequently in, john's, gospel, Um 15 times in in John's
Gospel, is called the Son of God only eleven, times, in, luke, Nine times in
Matthew, four times in Mark. So here's a few times that is called the Son of
God blue are, i'm sorry john Chapter One Verse 18. No one has seen God
anytime, the one and only son who is in the bosom of the Father has
declared him. He's called the Son of God by John. The author of the Book
of John himself, he's also called The Son of God by John the Baptist in
John 01:34. John says, I have seen and testify that this is the Son, of? God,
He's called the Son of God by Nathaniel. When Jesus calls Nathaniel to be
his, disciple. In John Chapter 01:49, nathaniel says to Jesus, rabbi, you are
the Son of God. You are? The, king? Of, israel? Jesus himself calls himself
the Son of God John, chapter three, verse, 18? Says, He who believes in
him is not judge. He doesn't believe has been judged already because he's
not believed in the name of, the, one, and, only, son, of, god, Peter calls
him the Son of God in John Chapter six first, 69? Peter says, we have come
to believe and know that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And
then John again, the author, john writes, saying, in Chapter 20, first 31, but
these are written that you may believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God,
and that believing you may have life. So John portray Jesus as the Son of
God, the Son of God. What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God. I
mean, you may read that and at first glance think it indicates that Jesus.
Was a created being. Indicating that Jesus didn't exist at one time and that
the Father brought him into existence, that's our normal way, of, thinking,
about, a, son, Well, that's not what John is doing. We know it's not what
John is doing, because John, at the very start of his gospel, which we've
already read said that Jesus. Was the word. That the word was with God,
and the word was God, and that the word created all things, and without
him nothing was, created, that, has, been, created, So from the very start
of the Gospel John? The author says, jesus Christ is God. He is the creator
of everything tying Jesus Christ to what happened in Genesis. One, one in
the beginning, god created heavens on earth, and? He, sang? That, jesus?
Is, god? So we can't be saying that by Jesus taking the title Son of God,
that is indicating, that, jesus, was, created, I mean, you could say. That in
his humanness, he is a son, or offspring, of Mary and God, and what I mean
by that is his human body was created by God. Even as hours are created
by God. But he's different our conception, both our body and soul, came.
Into, existence? When I was born. I did not exist in any fashion before, my.
Conception, I was not a spirit before I entered. Before I was conceived,
there was I-I didn't exist. But at Jesus conception, only his pre birth body
was created. In other words, the physical body, the physical aspect of
himself, he God the Son, had eternally existed with the Father and the,
spirit, and, dwelt, That body, in other words, the Spirit of God, the Sun
entered, into? The body which was created to be his home for those years
that he dwelt in this world. But that doesn't tell us why he's called the Son
of, god, either, entirely, Unlimited. The Son of God meant more to a Jewish
person at that time than just being born, as, a, baby, To be called
someone's son was more than just, well, you know, I beget somebody. To
be called someone son was to declare that person as having equal
authority as, the, father, And to be the one who would inherit all things
from the, father. It was a title of authority. And that meant that when Jesus
called the Son of God, it's declaring Jesus, equality, with, god, And that He
inherits all things from God, all power and, all? Authority, Now, how do we
know that Jesus, when he took that title, um, that's what he, was,
indicating, about, himself, Well, he explains it to a degree, but also the
Jewish people themselves, who were opposed to Jesus, knew that's, what,
he, meant, That when he called himself the Son of God, he was claiming
equality, with, god? And John Chapter five or 17, jesus said, my father is
working until now, and I am working. And then it goes on to say, in Verse
18, after he said that. That is why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill
him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath. But he was even
calling God his own father, making himself equal with God. They
understood what he was saying. Pilot, when Jesus was on trial, said to him,
or said to the Jews, take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no guilt
in him. And the Jews answered, we have a law, and according to that law,
he ought to die because he has made himself the Son of God. Now that's
an interesting statement. They want to put him to death because he
claimed to be the Son of God. Now, were they want to put him to death
because he claimed that he was born from God created by God. No,
there's no law against saying you are the Son of God, in that you are,
created? By, god? However, it was a capital crime. For Jesus to make
himself equal to God, The Law of Moses says, whoever blasphemes the
name of the Lord will surely, be? Put, to? Death, So if you look at the
charge they made against him, they said, we have a law, and according to
that law he ought to die. Because he has made himself the Son of God, So
they obviously understood that Jesus, by claiming to be the Son of God, he
was claiming to, be equal, to God, And to them that was blasphemy. It
cannot be that when Jesus took on himself the name Son of God, that he
was just claiming to be? God's, creation? That's all. I mean, the Jews were
not trying to put him to death for claim to be God's creation. They
themselves would have claimed that. But it was that when he called himself
the Son of God, he was making himself on equal footing with God making
himself gone. So Jesus is called the Son of God repeatedly in the Gospel
John? But he's also God the Son, jesus the Son of God, god the Son. Over
and over again, jesus claims to be God. It's an undeniable fact from the text
of, of the Scripture. There are called groups that try and rewrite the text.
But you cannot destroy the fact of what Jesus claims were, we've already
read in Chapter, one? Verse, one? That it says, in the beginning was the
word, the word was with God, the word was God. The same was in the
being with God, all things were made through him. Without him, nothing
was made that was made. And if you jump to verse 14. If you wanna know
who the word is that made everything, that was God. It says, the word
became flesh and lived among us. Besides glory, such glory as the one and
only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth, obviously the, word is, jesus.
And the word is gone if you go on to Chapter five of John, or? 17, to? 18,
Jesus said this, my father is still working, so I'm, working, too, Because he
said that the Jews sought all the more to kill him because he not only broke
his hands, but because he, made, himself, equal, with, god, John 08:57 to
59 The Jews said to him, are you? You are not yet 50 years old, have you
seen Abraham And Jesus said to them, most certainly, I tell you, before
Abraham, came into existence. I am. The words, I am. Were taken from exit
Chapter three, verse 14 in that passage? Scripture, God tells Moses what
his name is. He says, my name is, I am that I am. Tell them that I am sent
you. So when Jesus says, here, before Abraham was, I am. He is taking on
himself the name of God We know he's doing that because right after it, it
says, the Jews, took, up, stones, to, stone, him, Why? Because he took on
himself the name of God, but Jesus was hidden and went, to? The, temple?
So that's Chapter eight, first 57 to 59, chapter ten, first 30 Jesus said this,
my father, who's given them to me is greater than all. No one is able to
snatch them out of my father's hand. I and the father are one. I and the
father are one. And again, look what the Jews do? They take up stones to
stone them. Jesus says that, i've shown you many good works for my
father, for which of these do you stone me They answered, we don't stone
you for good work, but for blasphemy because you being a man. Make
yourself God. They knew what he's doing. They knew what he was saying.
Chapter 14 Verse nine eight nine Philip says, the, jesus, lord, show us the
Father, and it will be enough for Us. Jesus said to him, have I been with you
such a long time You don't know me, philip, he who has seen me has seen
the father And how can you say, show us the father. So John portrays
Jesus as the Son of God, god the Sun, Well, that's John's portrayal. What
does that tell us about the Christmas story. Well, we know that there's no
real, you know, quote, unquote Christmas, story, in, john. We don't have
wise men or shepherds, We don't have Mary giving birth. We don't hear,
about Joseph. Herod or any of those stories, the major Bethlehem, All we
have is this chapter that begins John by saying that Jesus came from?
Eternity, past? And then immediately it jumps into the story of John the
Baptist, And the proclamation of Jesus is the Lamb of God, but I think the
Gospel John really summarizes the, christmas, story, for, us. And, and it
does so in this way, we know that Matthew describes Jesus as? The, king.
Luke, her Mark, describes him as a servant. Luke describes him as a man,
And all of those pictures are, are important and essential to understanding
who Jesus is and what the, christmas? Story, means? But they're not
complete until you portray Jesus as God. The baby that is born at
Christmas would become the kingly lion of the Tribe, of? Judah, He would
also labor tirelessly for us like the ox, and be the servant who will sacrifice
for our sins, according, to, the, gospel, luke, He is the baby who became a
man like we are men. He became one of us like, his portrayed, And Gospel
Luke. But here's the deal, kings and lions and servants and oxen? And,
men? Are all bound to this Earth. They are earthly creatures, The picture of
the Christ is not complete until we look at the eagle. Is he an eagle in the
Bible. One of the very specific ways that the eagle is portrayed. I looked at
the number of scriptures that had the eagle in it, for instance Job, 3927, Is
it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high,
The Eagles portrayed as kind of the king of all high things, he's way up in,
the distance. Where he cannot be reached by mankind, the eagle is
described as mysterious Proverbs Chapter 30, verse 19 says, the way of
an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent, on, a rock. The way of a ship in the
middle of the sea and the way of a man with a maiden And this passage
scripture, the writer of Proverbs, is saying, there are some things I don't
understand in life. And those are the things that he list, and one of them is
the way of the eagle, in? The, air? In other words, he looks up at an eagle
flying and, and is like, I don't, I don't, understand? How, he? Does, that?
And that's beyond me. That's beyond my comprehension. And so the
eagle is portrayed as mysterious as is portrayed as the king of high things.
And the eagle, as well, is used to portray a heavenly power that can swoop
in and, save. A power with great speed and no boundaries outside the
reach of men. The eagles actually often used, to describe God. In exit
Chapter 19, verse four, it says, you have seen what I did to the Egyptians,
how I bore you on eagles wings, and? Brought, you? To, myself? Do to auto
me 3211 says, as an eagle that stirs up her nest, that flutters over her
young He spread abroad his wings. he took the knee, bore them on his
feathers is portraying God. Protecting Israel Isaiah 4031 Many of you know
this passage, those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They
will mount up with wings and eagles. They will run and not be weary. Walk
and not grow faint talking about power strength. Revelations 1214, two
wings of the great eagle were given to the woman that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place she might be? Nourished, for? Time, and times,
Half a time from the face of the serpent was portraying there is that the
Jewish people are gonna be saved during the Tribulation period? At, least?
A, portion? Of, them. And they will be carried by God into the wilderness to
protect them for the three and a half years. Of the Great Tribulation, and
the way it describes his protection is that He will bear them on the? Wings,
of? An, eagle? You carry them into wilderness. And so the eagle is
described as this power from on high. How does this relate to the
Christmas story. You see, god when, when he determined to save us. And
to send someone to save us, he could have sent a king, okay. He could
have sent an ordinary king? And our problem was sin. We, from the time of
Adam, have had the same nature within us. We are bent to follow our own
selfish ways, and so we needed redemption from that sand. We needed a
salvation? And, atonement? He could have sent a king to us, and the king
could have stood in front front of us and commanded? Us, to? See,
setting? You know, a power that says, stop doing what you're doing. He
could also done what was described in Luke. He could have sent a
servants. Mark, i'm sorry. In Mark, jesus was doing and doing and doing
and doing and going. Always serving people and being a sacrifice for
people. And he could have sent a servant to remind us to what the right
way is, to work for us, to ensure that our, burden? Wasn't, too? Heavy, He
could have sent that kind of servant to us. He could have sent a man or a
servant, who would be a sacrifice for us, He also could have sent an army
of men, just like Lucas, portraying Jesus as a, man. He could have sent us
an army of men, preachers, teachers, counselors, all these people, to
remind us of what God requires, to encourage us, to give us strategies
about how to live right. To come alongside of us, to help us in any way that
we, needed, it, And the thing is, he did. The Bible is full of the accounts of
people that God sent to call people away from sin. He sent us kings, he
sent us servants, he sent us men, he sent us all kinds of people. But here's
the truth of the matter, it wasn't enough. It didn't work. It's not enough to
just tell us that we need to quit sending, it's not enough to try and help us
to quit sending it's not enough to. Use all of human faculties, even if a man
died for us. He could do no more than cover his own sense, even if a
perfect man died for us. He could do no more than to cover one person
sense. But Jesus came. And the reason that he was able to bring us
salvation is because he was not only the king, he was not only the servant
he was not only. A man, he was also God. And so his death, Would bring
the eternity of forgiveness that was necessary for all people to come to
salvation. We need a solution with the heavenly words. We needed help
from on high. We need to be born on eagles wings. We need to save you,
from heaven. We need God himself. He is the king of kings. He is the lion of
the Tribe of Judah. He is the lamb of God. He is the servant of humanity.
He is the Son of Man. He is the son of God. Who comes down and carries
us away on eagles wings. We need all four Gospels to know who Jesus
really is. And that's why we have four of them to tell us the Christmas
story. Let's pray together. Have me, father. We thank you, again, so, much,
for, your, word, And we thank you that we got these four portrayals, these
four portraits. Of Jesus Christ. Hello. God, pray that you help us. To come
to a full understanding of who you are in all your aspects. So we can come
to a knowledge of what salvation truly means. And we pray this in Jesus
name, a man. There's a lot in this show. They know what's gonna happen
the 30. Couples going home and all, tory and Plasa and Anna and Esra,
what are you gonna take away from. This competition, nothing. Wow Okay.
Welcome to a night. Love these fans. Oh you are team personified. So
tight. God, this is, my. Enjoy you would literally, thank you, you know a lot
about it, doing a little sense, like, it's okay we say that, say goodbye to
Rody, to dancing is, coming? Your, way? It's here tonight, Oh, you. Wrong.
It's right. What is the first J-K. Do we have to change the course. He just
reminded me that I need to renew by Tim.